It is the most exciting time of year for birders in the ABA Area so it seems only fitting to celebrate it with an exciting group of panelists for April's This Month in Birding. Host Nate Swick is joined by Jennie Duberstein, Andrés Jimenez, and Jordan Rutter to talk about vulture love, nature TikTok, and Night Parrot skulls. Come for the spring migration talk and stay for the bird personality profiles.
Also, don't forget to sign up for our first ABA Community Weekend!
Links to articles discussed in this episode:
They're Not Pretty, but Turkey Vultures Have Grace
TikTok’s Falco tinnunculus: Getting to Know Urban Wildlife through Social Media
CT scans offer insights on Australia’s rare Night Parrot
Flamingoes have big personalities—and their friendships prove it
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